Kaspersky Lab Announces New Version of Security Solution For Mac Endpoint Users

As the technology we depend upon grows more versatile and innovative, so do the threats used to manipulate those systems. Only a few years ago, Apple vehemently insisted that its Mac OS platform was a malware-free environment — a status that slowly deteriorated to “less vulnerable” as the types and persistence of attacks evolved. In a world where heterogeneous IT ecosystems are becoming commonplace and malicious threats no longer have platform boundaries, Kaspersky Lab announced its newest update to its Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business suite, which includes the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Mac.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Mac is the latest version of the company’s enterprise protection software for the Mac OS platform and can be managed from the Kaspersky Security Center. The program uses the same Kaspersky Security Network as other offerings from the popular protection-providing firm, and it’s designed to be a powerful defense against malware and other IT security threats.

The Kaspersky Administration KitSecurity Center simplifies installation, configuration, and management of Endpoint Security 10 for Mac with remote deployment for individual or grouped systems. Updates can be applied manually or automatically on a set schedule. The complete business suite also includes centralized quarantine and reporting, promises optimized performance for minimal resource usage, and offers protection against threats including port scanning, DoS attacks, buffer-overrun attacks and other remotely executed malicious code used against programs and services running on your network.

Kaspersky estimated that approximately 6 percent of the endpoint market is held by Apple, with that number growing continually. Although that doesn’t seem like a large enough segment for some companies to invest the research and development to cater to, Kaspersky seems to demonstrate a dutiful obligation for universal protection on all platforms, regardless of operating system.

“At Kaspersky Lab we believe that every business, regardless of its size and market, has unique and complex infrastructure, which requires deep multi-layered cybersecurity protection. We believe that each component of corporate infrastructure should be protected because cybercriminals will use every chance they can to infiltrate a corporate network,” stated Konstantin Voronkov, Head of Endpoint Product Management at Kaspersky Lab, in the press release. “Providing flexible multi-layered protection for different infrastructures and platforms against modern cyberthreats will make it easy for businesses to protect themselves, including those businesses using Mac platforms.”